April 15, 2024 | Monday

ForGoodEnergy Outreach Activities

Outreach activities in schools are part of the #ForGoodEnergy Campaign. Through these activities, the goal is to raise awareness for environmental protection, the green future and renewable energy by engaging in fun and informative activities with third-grade pupils of elementary schools. Short lectures on green energy by field experts are followed by a game called Green Energy Bingo, aiming to teach them principles of green energy by having fun.

Over a time of almost two years, there have been outreach activities in elementary schools and centers in Prishtinë/Pristina (Naim Frashëri School), Fushë Kosovë/Fushë Kosovo (Balkan SunFlowers); Obiliq/Obilic (Ibrahim Rugova School); Novobërd/Novo Brdo (Minatori School); Gllamnik Village in Podujevë/Podujevo (Kongresi i Manastirit School) and at the Finnish School in Prishtinë/Pristina.

Each of these activities has been joined by representatives of the EU Office in Kosovo, whereas in Novobërdë/Novo Brdo, children got to discuss green energy principles in conversation with the EU’s Ambassador to Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog. 

At the end of each of these outreach activities, which will continue in the upcoming months as well, children receive green energy-themed gifts such as notebooks, water bottles, and a set of colours, each of these items made out of recycled materials, as a testament to their commitment to become superheroes of environment protection.