August 5, 2024 | Monday

Struggling for Liberation

Exhibition by Stefan Boškoćević

The release of personal emotions such as fear, sadness, anger, and loneliness is the inspiration for Stefan Boškoćević’s artwork. He deals with these emotions by transforming abstract forms into sculpture and drawing through the combination of different forms. 

Stefan Boškoćević is a visual artist from Zvečan/Zveçan. His exhibition “Struggling” was opened at Europe House Mitrovica North on 12th of June and was on view for a month, during which he also engaged in a talk with the audience. The exhibition brings forth emotions of fear, suffering and oblivion solidified in the form of sculpture. The artist focused on the fear from the unknown and his exhibition was an open invite to the audience to face the unknown. 

Even though the exhibition featured some drawings, Boškoćević’s work is mainly focused on sculpture, for which he says “I always knew I wanted to pursue art, however I didn’t expect it to be sculpture. I like to say that sculpture chose me rather than the other way around”. Sculpture helped him through an artists’ block at the early stages of his career, “I encountered a blockage, my first encounter with a feeling akin to struggle, which represented pain, suffering, and fear. Slowly, through self-examination and exploration of materials and techniques, I began to understand myself better, pushing beyond my comfort zone and into the realm of sculpture. I refused to limit myself, which led me to love sculpture and, in a sense, to leave behind the struggle. I preferred expressing my emotions through sculptures because, despite their smooth appearance, they embody some of my deepest feelings,” says Stefan. 

The title of the exhibition “Struggling” aims to liberate oneself from the pressure of artistic creation. Among other works, it features sculptures inspired by nature that were made out of natural materials such as stone and wood as well as recycled materials. 

Though he speaks about fear, liberation is rather at the center of his exhibition, “I wanted to encourage the viewers not to be ashamed of their emotions and to free themselves, because liberation is very important for one’s well being”, he says in an interview for Europe House Kosovo. 

About his encounter with the audience, Boškoćević says that feedback is very important for every artist as it helps them improve their techniques and enrich their artworks.