October 15, 2024 | Tuesday

Strengthening Democracy in the Western Balkans with Civil Society and Youth

Civil Society Organisations play a crucial role in fostering democratic reform and social change in the Western Balkans. Over the years, this sector has initiated some of the most impactful initiatives, which have contributed directly to improving the lives of communities across the region. However, the limited capacities of both civil society organisations and local authorities have often hindered collaboration between these two important components of social and public life in the region. 

As the region continues its path towards European Union integration, the involvement of civil society in shaping policies, promoting transparency and public accountability has grown even more urgent and critical. 

Supported by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme, the ReLOaD2 project aims to strengthen participatory democracy across the Western Balkans, including Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.  Building on the successful legacy of the ReLOaD1 project, the ReLOaD2 project focuses on enhancing cooperation between municipalities and CSOs while encouraging youth engagement. 

The overall goal of the ReLOaD2 project is empowering civil society and youth to actively participate in decision-making processes, contributing to the EU integration process. In Kosovo, the project aims to strengthen partnerships between municipalities and civil society by expanding a transparent and project-based model for CSO funding from municipal budgets. This approach is designed to improve local service delivery, community development, and civic engagement. Additionally, the project focuses on creating a sustainable, transparent, and development-oriented funding mechanism for CSOs to ensure that local communities’ priorities are addressed effectively.

Promoting youth involvement in community development and decision-making, ReLOaD2 supports a range of youth initiatives aimed at improving economic opportunities and civic engagement. As part of ReLOaD2 activities, young people can take the lead in implementing projects and working towards positive change as well as building a more inclusive and participatory future in the region. 

In 2023, the project achieved significant milestones in Kosovo by supporting the implementation of 46 projects out of 126 submissions, through two public calls for CSOs.  Many of these projects emphasize co-financing agreements with partner municipalities, ensuring local ownership of the initiatives. Furthermore, almost half of the awarded projects are women-led, addressing critical needs in local communities. In addition, the project has worked closely with local youth leaders, who organized five forum discussions and launched initiatives focused on volunteerism and civic engagement. These efforts resulted in the definition of 24 youth-led initiatives.

To ensure the effective implementation of funded projects, the 46 awarded CSOs received additional training on ReLOaD programme rules, project management, progress reporting, and visibility promotion. This training helps to ensure that the projects have a lasting impact and are implemented according to best practices.

With the support of the European Union, ReLOaD2 is making a significant contribution to strengthening participatory democracy in the Western Balkans. By creating a platform for collaboration between local governments, civil society, and youth, the project is helping in building more transparent, accountable, and inclusive communities. In Kosovo alone, ReLOaD2 expects to see the implementation of around 56 projects, benefiting over 4,200 citizens. Across all six participating countries, approximately 300 projects will be implemented, impacting more than 40,000 citizens.

The ReLOaD2 project demonstrates the power of collaboration in shaping the future of the Western Balkans. By placing civil society and youth at the forefront of democratic reform and social transformation, the project is paving the way for a more participatory and inclusive future across the region.