August 20, 2019 | Tuesday
On the 15th of August, Europe House in Pristina welcomed a group of panelists to discuss about the importance of voluntary work in Kosovo and the existing database of the Ministry of Youth and Culture in Kosovo to register and acknowledge the voluntary work.
Edonis Hashani on behalf of Termokiss, Marigona Shabiu from Youth Initiative for Human Rights, Vedat Jashari from the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture and Hana Ilazi from PEN – Peer Education Network brought up their expertise in the field of voluntarism.
Edonis Hashani made a whole presentation about Termokiss, the first community-run center in Kosovo, a new alternative place in town which from scratch was turned into a useful cultural space with the help of a lot of volunteers. Even today, Termokiss functions with the help of volunteers who on daily basis create and bring their best in Termokiss.
Marigona Shabiu from YIHR and also Hana Ilazi from PEN discussed a bit about the numbers of the volunteers already active and willing to help within these two organizations, while Ilazi also pointed out the need to keep voluntarism just as a need to do something out of good will and intentions and not as a precondition to just find future career opportunities.
Vedat Jashari on behalf of the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture of the Republic of Kosovo presented the database of this Ministry to register voluntary work hours of each volunteer in Kosovo.
Kosovo Volunteers is first-of-its-kind volunteer match platform in Kosovo. It is a free platform where the non-profit organizations can post volunteer opportunities and where passionate, skilled volunteers can find the right opportunity to lend their talent and time.
In addition to matching volunteers and recruiters, the platform provides both parties with tools and resources to help enhance their community engagement programs.
Kosovo Volunteers platform was developed by UNICEF Innovations Lab Kosovo with support from Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) office in Kosovo, and Peer Educators Network (PEN).
The discussion was moderated by Arber Selmani from Europe House.