February 23, 2024 | Friday

European Union Office in Kosovo promoting media transparency and pluralism: Media Ownership Monitor by BIRN Kosovo

The Media Ownership Monitoring Initiative in Kosovo, led by BIRN Kosovo and Global Media Registry, represents a commendable effort to tackle the opacity surrounding media ownership. Underscoring its commitment to promoting media transparency and pluralism, the European Union Office in Kosovo played an important role by funding this initiative. In the briefing below, we shout out to BIRN Kosovo’s research that resulted with the launch of the website, a proudly EU-supported initiative.

The EU funded Media Ownership Monitoring Initiative in Kosovo, led by BIRN Kosovo and Global Media Registry, represents a commendable effort to tackle the opacity surrounding media ownership. 

In late December 2023, Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) Kosovo launched the website of the Media Ownership Monitor for Kosovo, as part of a regional project monitoring media ownership conducted in collaboration with the Global Media Registry (GMR). This initiative builds upon GMR’s research that started in 2015 with the launch of a publicly accessible database mapping tool

The launch  event in Pristina attracted a diverse audience, including representatives from Kosovo institutions , civil society, media experts, academia, and diplomatic missions. This ceremony served as a crucial forum for stakeholders committed to addressing the challenges  of media ownership and transparency in Kosovo. Rather than simply serving as database, the MOM website draws a map of the media environment , encompassing legal and regulatory aspects,as well as historical, demographic and technological characteristics.  

Underscoring its commitment to promoting media transparency and pluralism, the European Union Office in Kosovo (EUOK) played an important role by funding this initiative. The EU’s support aligns with broader efforts to strengthen democratic values and ensure an informed citizenry. 

This collaboration emphasises the significance of international partnerships in addressing challenges related to media ownership and promoting accountable media practices. It’s noteworthy that the same monitoring initiative was undertaken across all Western Balkan countries, reflecting a regional commitment to enhancing media transparency. The coordinated effort across borders signifies a collective stance to address shared challenges and foster a media environment that upholds democratic principles.

Ambassador Szunyog, who attended the website  launch stated, “This initiative underscores our dedication to a media environment rooted in transparency, diversity, and the principles of democracy. It is a crucial step towards a responsible and informed media landscape.”

By mapping ownership structures and conducting a qualitative assessment, MOM sheds light on the risks to media pluralism, especially in the context of audience concentration and regulatory safeguards. The initiative’s focus on diverse media outlets and collaboration with national specialists adds depth to its findings, providing a nuanced understanding of the media landscape.

In combination with the MOM initiative, the recently published disinformation study in Kosovo  emphasises the multifaceted approach taken by EUOK to address challenges in the media landscape. The study, focusing on disinformation, complements MOM’s efforts by examining the broader context of information dissemination. Together, these initiatives reflect a comprehensive strategy and the efforts of Kosovo’s media organisations to enhance media integrity, combat disinformation, and strengthen  the foundations of a well-informed society in Kosovo.